Yale 1963 50th Reunion

Web site Translations


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  The new SMTS Statistical Machine Translation Software uses digital programming techniques with high speed computers to convert language sequences and now entire web sites between language pairs.  More and more of these language translations pairs are being developed by companies as Google and SDL/Language Weaver  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language_Weaver .  

These new systems are fast and are gaining accuracy for commercial applications over the older "Rules Based" computer language pair translation techniques that have been around for years.   SMTS systems are "heuristic" meaning they are self-learning such that the translation accuracy improves through actual use.

SMTS translation software can quickly translate any document with partial  (60-90%) accuracy, but to assure 100% accuracy still requires the human touch.   A growing number of government, military defense, and commercial business applications today use a combination of SMTS with final human oversight to achieve speed, economy and accuracy.