Class of 1963 - ClassmatesOnCall - Class Support Network

Dear Member of the Yale ’63 Family,

More than four months have passed since we last sent out a reminder about our Yale Class of 1963 Support Network, so the time seems ripe for another reminder.

If you or members of your family are encountering health, financial, or other problems, very likely others among your classmates have encountered those problems too.  Contact us!  By sharing our experiences we may be able to be helpful to you, or direct you to someone else who can help.

As you know, the purpose of the Class of 1963 Support Network (Classmates on Call) is to put in touch with each other, on ahe confidential basis, classmates and family members who are experiencing or have experienced problems such as illnesses, grief and loss, restrictions on life activities, and straitened financial circumstances.  By helping each other in this way, we can reaffirm that, no matter what problems we may experience, we are not alone.

The members of the Classmates on Call group, and their e-mail addresses, are listed below.  Additional classmates have volunteered for the group since the last e-mail about it was circulated, bringing the total number of members of the group to more than 90.  Additional subject matters have also been added since the last e-mail.  For these reasons, we encourage you to review the list again at this time.  Where the members of the group have had experience in particular areas that may be relevant and useful, those areas are listed next to their name.


If you don’t find a listing for a particular topic you are looking for, please contact me.  I may be able to put you in touch with classmates who have had experience with it.  We’ve had good success with this with other classmates.

Alternative Layout by Category

Categories and Providers: Category Layout

Classmates On Call - Alphabetical by Last name


Dick Ahlborn
 – Aging Parent Care; Relationship Issues and Late-in-Life Searches; Shoulder and Lower Back Surgeries and Recoveries; Opportunities and Dangers of Entrepreneurial Investments After Retirement; Working Until You Die; Divorce Process --

Doug Allen – Lymphoma; Severe Chemotherapy and Radiation Treatments and Recovery –

David Anderson – Estate Planning –

Tom Archbald – Addictions (Alcohol, Drugs, Sex); Melanoma; Grief and Loss –

Jim Baird – Death of a Spouse –

Michler Bishop, Ph.D. – Overdrinking Problems; Opioid Medication Problems –

Judy Brauner – Bereavement; Separation and Divorce –

David Breithaupt – Multiple Myeloma –

Douglas Buck, Ph.D. – Normal Nutrition; Lyme Disease –

Dan Bullard – Retirement Planning, Prostate Cancer, Open Heart Surgery, Hip Replacement, Alcoholism –

Reve Carberry – IgA Vasculitis; APLS –

Bill Childs – Back Surgery –

Jess Clay – Chronic Back Problems –

John Cole – Chronic Migraine –

Bill Couchman – Income Tax (Individual and Business); Gift and Estate Tax; How to Sell on eBay and Craigslist; Treatment for CLL/Lymphoma/Leukemia at Mayo Clinic –

Jim Courtright – Prostate Cancer, Including Long-Term and New Post-Prostatectomy Drug Therapies; Urethral Sphincter Re-Implant; Heart Arrhythmia and Atrial Fibrillation –

Peter de Bretteville – Prostate Cancer; Knee Replacement (Partial) –

John Derby – Post-Retirement Planning:  What Is the Next Phase as You Age in Place? –

Bob Dickie – Financial Analysis; Private Companies –

Gene Dilks – Caregiver Support –

Lory Doolittle – Lewy Body Disease; Caregiving; End of Life Preparation for Family Members –

Chuck Duncan – Neck, Shoulder, Lower Back, and Knee Replacement Surgeries –

Tony Elson – Osteoarthritis; Hip Replacement –

Fred Finkelstein, M.D. – Kidney Diseases and Problems –

Steve Fisk, M.D. – Intensive Care Units –

Dick Foster – Cancer –

Gates Gill – Helping Classmates Tell Their Stories Through Memoirs and Otherwise –

John Gillespie –

Art Gilliam – Treatment of Colitis –

Steve Hall – Hip Replacement Surgery; Bereavement; Cancer; Stroke –

Mimi Head – Bereavement –

Dave Hilyard – Borderline Personality Disorder; PTSD; Anxiety Disorder; Depression –

Jim Hinkle, M.D. – Alzheimer’s/Dementia Involving a Loved One, Parent or Otherwise –

David Joseph – Working With the Elderly, Especially Those Who Are Aware That Death Is Imminent –

Sutton Keany – Colon Cancer; Substance Abuse (Alcohol); Prostate Cancer (Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy) –

Bob Kelly – Multiple Myeloma –

Peter Kiernan – Hip Replacement –

Bob Kirkwood, M.D. – Neuroradiology Issues; Brain, Spine, and Related Issues; Medical-Legal Guidance –

Charlie Kivowitz, M.D. – Internist/Cardiologist –

Mike Koenig – Open Heart Surgery; Melanoma; Spinal Stenosis –

Jon Larson –Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease (Using the Esselstyn Nutrition-Based Program) –

Marc Lavietes, M.D. – Asthma; Chronic Airway Obstruction; Lung Cancer –

Mike Lieberman, M.D. –

Susan Lieberman – End of Life Issues; Pre-Diabetes Success With Low Carb/High Fat Diet With Intermittent Fasting –

Barbara Long, M.D. (widow of Steve Parker) – Loss and Rebirth – A Jungian Alchemical Approach to Grief; Melanoma; Alzheimer’s; How Estates Disrupt Relationships  –

Peter Maffitt – Water Resources; Cuban Issues –

Collin Middleton – Death of a Spouse; Alcoholism; Age Discrimination –

Peter (Grinnell) Morris  Working Past Retirement; Mentally Handicapped Children

Bob Morris  Depression; Manic Depression (Bipolar)

Ted Murray  Sudden Death of a Wife; Merkel Cell Cancer

Troy Murray  Aortic Aneurysm; Depuytren's Contracture; Stroke; Quadriceps Tendon Surgery

Bob Myers, M.D.  Balance:  Fall Prevention and Mobility; Prostate Cancer; Urinary Obstructive Symptoms; Nocturia; Atrial Fibrillation; Cluster Headache

Geoff Noyes  Prostate Cancer

Steve Olderman  Back and Knee Surgery; Long Distance Aged Parent Care

Phil Otto  Hip Replacements; Prostate Cancer

Lea Pendleton  Heart Attacks; Heart Disease; Atrial Fibrillation; Implantable Defibrillators/Pacemakers; Atrial Ablations; Open-Heart Surgery

Sheldon Renan  Psychoanalysis; Adult Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

Ian Robertson  Bereavement; Cancer (Lymphoma); Depression; Financial Reverses

John Rohsenow  Atrial Fibrillation

Brian Salzberg, Ph.D.  Brain Tumors  bmsalzbe@pennmedicine.upenn.

Alan Schocket, M.D.  Navigating the Maze of the Health Care Industry and Delivery Systems

Philip Scott, M.D.  Eye Problems

Jerry Selness  Prostate Cancer

Ed Shapiro, M.D.  Couples, Family, and Organizational Consultation

Lisa Sheronas  Advanced Degrees; Aging Parents; Children/ Grandchildren; Food Allergies; Hearing Loss; Lyme Disease; Homeopathic Treatments; Laser Therapy

Victor Sheronas  Abuse (Emotional and Sexual); Financial Reverses; Physical Impairments (Melanoma; Neuropathies; Heart Surgeries (Afib, Cardioversions, Cardiac Ablations); Spinal Stenosis; ADD); Substance Abuse

Cameron Smith  Hospice-at-Home

Michael B. Smith, M.D.  External Beam Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer

Stephen A. Smith, M.D.  Ear, Nose, and Throat; Knee Replacements; Reverse Shoulder Replacements; Cervical and Lumbosacral Spine Surgeries for Spinal Stenosis

Ted Sohn  Family Interventions re Alcohol Use

Charlie Soule  Alzheimer's and Dementia; Bereavement; Prostate Cancer

Steve Steiner  Recovery from Stroke; Hip and Knee Replacement; Spinal Stenosis

Phillips Stevens  Alcoholism; Bereavement

Guy Struve  Hearing Loss; Melanoma; Prostate Cancer; Urinary Retention

Jim Thompson  Hip Replacement; Dispute Resolution

Boris Troyan  Heart Valve Operations; Divorce

Charles Tucker  Prostate Cancer; Heart Disease; Finding Purpose After Retirement

Herb Turin

Joan Turin

Joe Valenta  Residential Real Estate, Especially Selling and Buying Tips

Martin Wand, M.D.  Eye Problems (Especially Glaucoma)

Gurney Williams  Alzheimer's and Dementia; Caregiving; Prostate Cancer

Steven Wilson, M.D.  Medical Device Implantation for Impotence and Male Incontinence

Ken Witty  Spinal Stenosis

Woody Woodroofe  Bladder Cancer Surgery

Bill Zimmermann  Trauma, Intimacy Problems, Depression, Mood Swings, Etc.  '


If either of the following two paragraphs describes you, please contact Classmates on Call:  

(1)  If you have had experience with health or other problems that you would be willing to share with other classmates and family members facing similar problems, please e-mail us and let us know that.  By sharing our experiences, we can help ourselves and each other.  

(2)  If you would like to be put in touch with other classmates and family members who are facing similar problems, please contact any of the members of the Classmates on Call group listed above, on a confidential basis.  If we are not the classmates best suited to be of assistance to you, we can put you in touch with the classmates who are.  

This initiative is entirely voluntary.  It will achieve its objectives only to the extent that you and other classmates avail yourselves of it.  We look forward to hearing from you.  

It says something very good about our Class that so many classmates and family members have volunteered to help one another.


This e-mail is not addressed solely to classmates.  It is also addressed to spouses, widows, and other loved ones of classmates.  If you feel that we can be helpful in any way, please contact us.

  Thank you very much.


Categories Layout

 – Category Layout