Yale Class of 1963
Yale Class of 1963 - official Web Site
Web site Archive:
More Activities, Events and Mini-reunions:
- Class Film Video - "In Our Own Words"
- Yale 1963 British Isles Tour - September 2016 (England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales) by 41 Classmates and our Travel Partners
Photo album of our BI Tour <==
- Mount Vernon Friday May 13, 2016
Yale Tour de France 2015:
Video 1 of our Yale 1963 Tour de France 2015 Part 1: Barge Group 1: Loire, Burgundy, Versailles - filmed and edited by Pat Johnston
When the video begins, click the icon in the lower right corner of the video screen to make the slide show full screen on your computer. There is sound with the video, so make sure your speakers are turned on.
Video 2 of our Yale 1963 Tour de France 2015 Part 2: Barge 2 joins Barge 1 for Giverny, Normandy and Paris. - filmed and edited by Pat Johnston
View, Save and Print individual Photos (group 1) Pat's photos for Video 1
View, Save and Print individual Photos (group 2) Pat's photos for Video 2
View, Save and Print individual Photos (group 3) (email your own .jpg photos to jon_larson@hotmail.com for posting here)
- Yale 1963 Tour de France - September 1-28, 2015 (Itinerary details)
- Yale 1963 Euro-Mini Reunion (Paris) - September 17th, 2015
- Yale 1963 Tour de France - : (a repeat of our successful Tour de France 2015)
(Paris 7 days, Burgundy barge 7 days, Normandy 3 days, and Loire Valley/Versailles 3 days)
More Activities completed in the past several years:
Bull Pups "You Guys" Reunion: (Yale/Army game - September 26-27th)
Civil War Battlefield Tour #3 - The Battle of Spotsylvania (Saturday October 25th)
Our Web sites & Blogs: (Websites and Blogs maintained by Y63 Classmates)
Books We Have Written: (a synopsis of over 100 books authored by 81 Yale Class of 1963 Authors)
David Boren: (David Boren's move to higher education made a big difference for Oklahoma and OU)
Jerry Kenney receives the Yale Blue Leadership Award:
Class Photo and Video Albums:
British Isles Tour Photos September 2016
Tour de France 2015 Loire, Burgundy, Versailles
Tour de France 2015 Giverny, Normandy and Paris.
Philadelphia mini-Reunion: April 24-27, 2014
50th Reunion: May 2013
Antietem Battlefield Tour: September 2013
California mini-Reunion: September 2013
Pre-50th mini-reunion - San Francisco: September 2011
Recent Web site enhancements:
Foreign Language Translations - Our Yale 1963 Reunion web site translated into any of 20 foreign languages
Assistance using Survey Monkey for Class surveys
Links to Yale Online Education courses
"The Go To Guys" - reflections on Yale '63 footballers and inclusiveness - by Jim Thompson
Photo/Video Album - "Seasons of Our Lives"
50 years in 500 photos in 50 minutes
Class Survey 50th Reunion - Results
"That's Why I Chose Yale" - Yale today (
YouTube promotional video produced by the Yale Alumni Office)
Official Yale Bulldog Merchandise purchases online
"Bright College Years" (performed by the Yale Glee Club)
312 Years of Yale Tradition Our historical context
50th Reunion highlights:
- (synopses of over 100 books we have written)
Purchase Reunion Artifacts: (Class Book, Tote bags, DVD's)
Organization, Teamwork, Hard work, Technology, and the overriding Inclusiveness theme allowed us to become the all time 50th Reunion record achievers for funds raised and % of class participation.
Jerry Kenney, Ian Robertson, Mike Skol, Guy Struve, Rick Levin, Jane Levin, Hank Higdon, Dan Arons, Stan Riveles, Jon Larson, Michael Freeland, Benno Schmidt
Richard and Benno
Songs of Yale....
Bright College Years (performed by the Yale Glee Club)
Bright College years, with pleasure rife, the shortest, gladdest years of life;
How swiftly are ye gliding by! Oh, why doth time so quickly fly?The seasons come, the seasons go, the earth is green or white with snow,
But time and change shall naught avail, to break the friendships formed at Yale.In after years, should troubles rise, to cloud the blue of sunny skies,
How bright will seem, through mem'ry's haze, those happy, golden, bygone days!Oh, let us strive that ever we, may let these words our watch-cry be,
Where'er upon life's sea we sail:"For God, for Country and for Yale!"
Site maintained by: The Jon and Karen Larson Family Foundation (Jon Larson Yale '63)